December, 2014 – Shoot for Your Star


Health & FitnessSherrisBook

“Shoot for Your Star”

By Sherri Mraz

“Don’t die with the music still in you.”

Wayne W. Dyer

What is the one thing that you have always wanted to do, that one thing that keeps whispering in your ear? For me, I have always wanted to write a book. It has been years since I had the goal but kept putting other things on my priority list in front of my real dream.

Now, I can finally say that I have done it. Not only that I got published but also that I launched my first book in NYC!

This is a picture of my book, “The Cookin’ Yogi’s, More Energy, Less Waist” and me on stage in Lincoln Center! I would never have been able to say that before!

Sherri Mraz on stage at Lincoln Center with her newly published book.

The best part of all was getting up on that stage with some other authors and getting so much recognition. The power of so many of us reaching a long held dream was so inspirational.

If I were to ask you what are three things that you have always wanted to do, could you answer? When was the last time you did nothing but listen to your inner voice?

Without giving it too much thought, write down your three things. Maybe you want to paint, write, and dance or plant a garden. Whatever it is don’t wait.

I hope that my story inspires you to go after your dreams. Don’t get so caught up in your life that each day goes by and you never get around to the things that you want to do. Start each day with an intention and then go after it.

I think the most important lesson for me in this accomplishment is to remember not to live small, whatever your current circumstances are. You can do anything through keeping your sights on God, loving others, a little hard work, perseverance, and never losing FAITH in yourself.

Shoot for the Moon and you may just hit a star!


Sherri Mraz is also known as the Cookin’ Yogi. She works with clients privately and in groups to improve their health. She teaches healthy cooking classes, yoga and is a public speaker. Sherri has trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC and is certified through Teachers College Columbia University and by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). She is also registered with the Yoga Alliance at the advanced teacher level, a member of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and studied at The Hippocrates Health Institute. She studied ancient nutritional wisdom, and the latest diet and healthy lifestyle trends with renowned experts such as Dr. Mehmet Oz, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Walter Willet, Dr. Anne Marie Colbin, and Dr. Neal Bernard. Sherri is the author of  the Cookbook “The Cookin’ Yogi’s, More Energy, Less Waist”  and the “3 Day Bliss Detox” She is located at Keystone Chiropractic in Royal Palm Beach. Please contact her at [email protected] or visit her website at

You can order a signed copy directly from Sherri’s website at which also comes with a complimentary call to help you get started or you can order directly from Amazon.