Deliver Your Greatness


Health and Fitness

Deliver Your Greatness

By Sherri Mraz

I’m sure you’ve heard, “Everyone has at least one book in them.” That same thing goes for everyone’s stamp on the world.

Sometimes, we think that if we are not Mother Teresa, Harriet Tubman or Albert Einstein, we don’t have what it takes to make an imprint that will change people’s lives.

Not true. You don’t have to be legendary to be magnificent or help change someone else’s life. Every one of us is blessed with a seed inside of us that will be bloomed.

Do you shrink back when you see other’s doing great things? Do you feel like you’ll never measure up?

Many people feel the grass is greener on the other side. That others are more skilled, have better resources or are naturally more talented. The grass is only greener because they water it.

Greatness takes persistence

Nothing great comes out of minimal effort or being in a state of “overwhelm.” If you want to leave your greatness as a mark on the world, you need to be like a pelican zeroed in on his catch.

Do you know who Anne Sullivan is? Her story is one of the most amazing examples of persistence. Anne could have chosen to feel sorry for herself and become a victim, rather than change someone’s life.

Anne was left partially blind at the age of five from an illness. Her mother died only a few years later and her father placed her in an orphanage. Anne realized that education was her answer, so she studied.

A man visiting the orphanage heard of her insatiable desire for knowledge and arranged for her to attend the Perkins Institution for the Blind in Boston. She learned how to read Braille and eventually graduated first in her class.

That is not even the amazing part of the story! She became the caretaker and teacher for a blind girl. That girl was Helen Keller. If Anne had not stayed focused on her own greatness, Helen would have probably just been institutionalized her whole life in a dark, lifeless world.

To me, that story is magnificent. We have the power to change our own stories, find our greatness and then share it, even if it is only with one person.

What is your dream? What do you want to achieve during your lifetime? Don’t let your life pass you by with your dream still in you.

For the past 10 years, I have been a health coach teaching cooking classes and helping others with food and lifestyle changes. This past year I founded the Wellness Cooking Academy. Did I have the vision ten years ago that I was going to start my own program? Not really. Although, somewhere deep inside I knew there was always something more, and you probably know that about yourself too!

You need to be a person who wants to leave your mark on the world.

Dreams don’t become reality by dreaming. That is the very first and simplest step. The magic happens when a consistent process of dedicated action is applied.

This is what turns the impossible into the possible and what

Makes the difference between an ordinary life vs. a LEGENDARY life

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Sherri Mraz, author of the “Cookin’ Yogi’s, More Energy, Less Waist” and owner of the Wellness Cooking Academy and Cookin’ Yogi. I teach how to enjoy real food again and how “Healthy Begins in the Kitchen.” Sherri Mraz, The Cookin’ Yogi, Food Educator and Certified Health Coach, and Barbara Nicholson, N.D., Certified Natural Health Practitioner facilitate the Healthy Cooking ~ Healthy Living workshops. Sherri and Barb are found in West Palm Beach, coaching clients on how to reach their goals for health, weight loss, and stress reduction. Additionally, they present workshops and lectures on living a healthy, balanced life. Contact Sherri or Barb directly for more workshop topics and how they can provide workshops for your corporation or clients.