G-Star Film Teacher’s Major Documentary on HBO


Revolution Rent is the first Broadway Show to play in Cuba in over 50 years

Victor Patrick Avarez

Palm Springs, Florida (June 7, 2021) – CEO of Mindfull Studios and G-Star Documentary Film Teacher Victor Patrick Avarez’s latest documentary film titled Revolution Rent has garnered major accolades from the Hollywood Press.  Alvarez is the Co-Director, Producer, and Cinematographer of the film.  The musical RENT was ground breaking when it first appeared on Broadway.  Today, it breaks new ground once again.  The film is about the first Broadway Play produced in Cuba in over 50 years.  Those familiar with the play’s story will understand the impact and risk taken by Alvarez and company to put the production on in a totalitarian state.  Neil Patrick Harris is the the Executive Producer of the documentary.  Fourteen major Hollywood news outlets reported the announcement all over the entertainment industry.  Please let them tell the story in their own words:

ROLLINGSTONE: New Documentary ‘Revolution Rent’ Will Chronicle Staging of Broadway Classic in Cuba https://www.rollingstone.com/movies/movie-news/revolution-rent-documentary-rent-cuba-andy-senor-jr-1162455/

VARIETY: ‘Revolution Rent’ Set for Debut on HBO in June https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/revolution-rent-hbo-documentary-premiere-date-1234962490/

IMDB: Revolution Rent’ Set for Debut on HBO in June https://www.imdb.com/news/ni63279930

PLAYBILL: Revolution Rent, a documentary that charts the Tony- and Pulitzer Prize-winning Rent’s 2014 journey to Cuba, will air on HBO June 15. –https://twitter.com/playbill/status/1387799052084039684?s=20

AOL: ‘Revolution Rent’ Set for Debut on HBO in June https://www.aol.com/entertainment/revolution-rent-set-debut-hbo-160039541.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEFWyRDgxFQWPXIb5YHpXdLQXRoZ-_mszpgwxbj4IxF13ClQS8mnsH8PqHPGKK1-_8FRPih4BmmHhoJniVJCTBkYAFO8amvPKfCYdcDpCiChmk-eO9u55yTCRoDXKqSRHYSGVCiLxlnnslTC8NvHXb-q-EOlIZceG1_4xaGrB26N

DEADLINE: HBO Sets Premiere For ‘Revolution Rent’ Doc From Exec Producer Neil Patrick Harris https://deadline.com/2021/04/revolution-rent-hbo-documentary-neil-patrick-harris-jonathan-larson-andy-senor-jr-1234745865/

PLAYBILL: Documentary on Bringing Rent to Cuba Heading to HBO https://www.playbill.com/article/documentary-on-bringing-rent-to-cuba-heading-to-hbo

THEATERMANIA: New Documentary Revolution Rent, About Staging Jonathan Larson’s Musical in Cuba, to Debut on HBO https://www.theatermania.com/new-york-city-theater/news/new-documentary-revolution-rent-about-staging_92190.html

YAHOO! ENTERTAINMENT: ‘Revolution Rent’ Set for Debut on HBO in June https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/revolution-rent-set-debut-hbo-160039282.html

YAHOO! ENTERTAINMENT: HBO Sets Premiere For ‘Revolution Rent’ Doc From Exec Producer Neil Patrick Harris https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/hbo-sets-premiere-revolution-rent-160052898.html

BROADWAY.COMREVOLUTION RENT, a new documentary that offers a look at @andysenorjr directing the historic 2015 Cuban production of the acclaimed musical, will debut on HBO this June. – https://twitter.com/broadwaycom/status/1387799122191818755?s=20

BROADWAYWORLD: On June 15, @HBO will premiere a new documentary about the Cuban premiere of #Rent! @ActuallyNPH executive produces. – https://twitter.com/BroadwayWorld/status/1387803246790643714?s=20

DEADLINE: HBO Sets Premiere For ‘Revolution Rent’ Doc From Exec Producer Neil Patrick Harris  – https://twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1387799124775481347?s=20

THEATERMANIA: .@HBO to debut REVOLUTION RENT, a new documentary following @andysenorjr as he stages Jonathan Larson’s musical in Cuba → https://bit.ly/33027uQ – https://twitter.com/theatermania/status/1387799587335770118?s=20

BROADWAY.COM: Andy Señor Jr.’s Revolution Rent Documentary to Debut on HBO in June https://www.broadway.com/buzz/200706/andy-senor-jrs-revolution-rent-documentary-to-debut-on-hbo-in-june/