July/August, 2015 – AW in Pics


Just a few highlights of happenings Around Wellington. For many more photos, visit the link “Photo Galleries” on this site! For recent videos, click on our “Videos” link.

“March Against Monsanto.” Illustration by Rollin McGrail. Visit www.RollinMcGrail.com.
Tennis Stars Venus Williams and Dick Stockton. Photo by Lois Spatz.
Tennis Stars Venus Williams and Dick Stockton. Photo by Lois Spatz. See our video under “Videos” on AroundWellington.com.
Wellington resident, Vietnam Vet and monthly columnist Ernie Zimmerman. See related story under “AW Spotlight” for June, 2015 on AroundWellington.com. Photo by Krista Martinelli.
SpeakFest with the RiverWalk Toastmasters Club, held on June 20th at Binks Forest Country Club. Photo: Bryan Hayes.
SpeakFest with the RiverWalk Toastmasters Club, held on June 20th at Binks Forest Country Club. Photo: Bryan Hayes.