May, 2015 – First Annual March Against Monsanto in Wellington


First Annual March Against Monsanto in Wellington on Saturday, May 16th

Group in Wellington Brings the Issues of GMOs, Pesticides in our Food Supply and Non-Sustainable Practices to Light

Wellington, FL – The first annual March Against Monsanto will be held in Wellington on Saturday, May 16th with a rally beginning at 9am in the center court of the original Wellington Mall on Forest Hill Blvd.  The rally will be followed by a March along Forest Hill Blvd at approximately 10am and end at around 11:30am. The public is invited to join in and learn more about this important subject. There are currently close to 300 people coming to the march.

Organizers have set up a Facebook page,   with daily information related to how Monsanto is affecting our food supply and our farmers in the US, as well as pertinent information about the upcoming March Against Monsanto.

Those planning on joining the event can also click “going” on the set up on Facebook at

“I think people are often surprised when they hear that 80% of our processed food in the USA contains GMOs (Genetically-Modified Organisms),” says Krista Martinelli, Editor of and one of the group’s organizers. One of the goals of the march is to get GMO labeling on all food products, as GMOs are banned or restricted in 62 other countries, but not even labeled on our food here in the United States. The only city in South Florida to require GMO labeling is Margate, FL; however, Wellington organizers are aiming for Wellington to be the next in line.

“I just recently learned about GMOs and all of the health issues linked to them. I have kids and grandkids who I love dearly, and I don’t want them eating that poison,” says Rise Siegrist of Re/Max Direct.

Schedule on May 16th: The group plans to have a rally from 9am to 10am inside the original Wellington Mall (located at the corner of Forest Hill Blvd. and Wellington Trace in Wellington), featuring a few key speakers on the subject of GMOs and how Monsanto is poisoning our food supply. Peter Wein of the WEI Network will serve as the MC for the rally. The rally will be followed by a peaceful march along sidewalks. The March will proceed East along Forest Hill Blvd. and be less than one mile total. People are invited to bring their kids, their pets and reminded to bring water and sunscreen.

“I’m amazed at the amount of support our team is receiving from the Village of Wellington, community leaders, outstanding business owners and residents who care about what’s in their food and good health. I invite every single resident in Wellington to at least come to the rally and learn more about this fairly hidden but important issue of GMOs. After they hear our speakers, they are going to want to march.” says Monica Kallas of SharpShooter Marketing Group.

Sponsors for the event are Hi-Tech Plumbing & Air, Rise and Sean Siegrist of Re/Max Direct and The Wellness Experience. In-kind sponsors include: Banzai Wellness Magazine, My Community Pharmacy, Norman Gitzen Gallery, Bootz Culture Camp, the WEI Network, The Cookin’ Yogi, Certified Florida Plumbing, and LS Photos. The event is “fueled by” SharpShooter Marketing and .

The event team includes Monica Kallas of SharpShooter Marketing, Krista Martinelli of , Dr. Randall Laurich of the Wellness Experience, Jathy Garcia of Hi-Tech Plumbing & Air,  Rise and Sean Siegrist of Re/Max Direct, Krista Martinelli of , Johnny Meier of My Community Pharmacy (and current President of the Wellington Chamber), Peter Wein of the WEI Network, Danna Torres of Palm Beach Health Center, Jeanne Bootz of Bootz Culture Camp, Lois Spatz of LS Photos, Meric Tunca of Banzai Wellness Magazine, Sculptor/Artist/Environmentalist Norman Gitzen, Sherri Mraz (the Cookin’ Yogi), Suzanne Suarez of Certified Florida Plumbing and local mom-activist Crissy Peacock.

One of the group’s organizers, who will also be speaking at the rally, is a business owner and a recent breast cancer survivor Jathy Garcia. She says, “We’re inviting everyone to come out and support this important cause. We want to bring to light the dangers of GMOs in our foods. Our team from Hi-Tech Plumbing & Air will be there, excited to take a stand!”

“We are very concerned with GMOs and Monsanto’s product Round-Up, which has proven negative affects on people’s health,” says Dr. Randy Laurich, owner of The Wellness Experience in Wellington.

“My wife Meroe and I are very much against Monsanto and their unsustainable practices that threaten human health and, eventually, our entire food supply,” says Johnny Meier, current President of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce and owner of My Community Pharmacy.

In case of rain, the group plans to still hold the rally at 9am and then continue the rally for a longer time inside the original Wellington Mall.  “We are very appreciative of the public space in the center court of the Original Wellington Mall where all kinds of ideas can be shared and discussed,” says Martinelli.  “It’s just another great thing about Wellington and not something you see in every town.”

A NewsSpot video about the day’s rally and march will be produced by SharpShooter Marketing Group and launched via and other social media platforms on May 23rd, which is the International March Against Monsanto date.

For more information or interviews, call Monica at (561) 762-1713 or Krista at (561) 389-0252. 

“Someday we shall look back on this dark era of agriculture and shake our heads. How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?” – Jane Goodall
